Issue Position: Pro-Life for Over 51 Years; Endorsed by Texas Right to Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Abortion

John was born in a Catholic Charities orphanage. He owes his life to his birth mother who courageously chose life and placed him for adoption. So being pro-life is not just a campaign slogan, it's a deeply-held personal conviction from which he will never waiver. As one who was adopted, John is fond of saying, "I've been pro-life for 51 years and nine months." As a state representative, John will support policies which respect the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

John supports HB 2, Texas' landmark legislation which improved the safety standards of abortion clinics -- protecting both the unborn baby and protecting women from unsafe and unhealthy conditions. John believes recent atrocities at Planned Parenthood in Texas and across the nation underscore the need to ensure that no tax dollars are used to fund these barbaric practices. John is endorsed by Texas Right to Life.
